My Dear Friends,
The beautiful lights and home decorations in our neighborhoods, heartwarming carols, wish lists from loved ones, and the rush to get gifts secured under the tree, remind us again that Christmas is here!
Every year, the moment I open the box of Christmas tree decorations, I am reminded of God’s gift of grace and mercy, which has carried me and my family through one more year. After the holidays, when everything goes back into the boxes, I wonder what the days will bring until, and if I will open them again. This has been my personal reflection for the last ten years. It happens automatically!
For this season, I encourage reflection on the words of the prophet Jeremiah who wrote:
“But this I call to mind, and therefore I have hope: The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.”-Lamentations 3:21-23
God is good! As I think back over the past year, I am reminded of how God led my transition from full time pastoral ministry into a new season of serving Him by focusing on mission work in Romania and countries of Eastern Europe, through Reach Out to Romania.
My family and I will lean on God’s faithfulness to provide for this ministry and guide us in the fulfilment of His good works, prepared for us in advance for the coming year.
The 2020 budget for our mission has been reviewed by the Board of Directors, the projects are in the planning stage and we are ready to start our work in the New Year. I want to share with you some insights into these projects:
Anti-Human Trafficking project in collaboration with Vanguard University. Last month I introduced Dr. Sandra Morgan who leads The Global Center for Women and Justice at Vanguard University, to Mission Link Foundation in Romania, the ministry I visited on the last trip to my home land. Our joint efforts are focused on preventing human trafficking, protecting the victims of human trafficking and prosecuting the traffickers through law enforcement. My ten years’ experience as a police chaplain will enable me to expand my work with similar organizations in Romania. On my next trip I am invited to connect with an officer representing the Christian Association of Police Officers in Romania.
Pastor’s Conference in Hungary, with participation of ministers and church leaders from Eastern Europe and Brazil. This is going to be our Reformation 500+3 Conference, which builds on our previous work in the growing network. Our mission is to strengthen our church planning efforts in some areas hostile to the Gospel.
English camps and Family camp. These are VBS-type ministry outreaches in the community. We will be working with local churches to minister to the children and families in their communities. We’ve had children’s ministry outreach for almost three decades now.
Women’s Conference. This will be our second women’s conference, with participation of pastor’s wives and their guests, for the purpose of teaching and outreach. For strategic reasons, we are considering separating this conference into two locations, with meetings in both Romania and Hungary.
Continuous Support and Network Building. We continue to support renovations of the conference building in Sovata, as well as community outreach in Roua Village, home schooling, and the recovery ministry.
Friends, I am humbled by the opportunity to engage in this great outreach ministry and to be used by God in the life of so many. It is by His grace and through your generous support I find myself able to respond to His call. Please join me in this work by your continued prayers and financial gifts.
I’d love nothing more than to have you experience the joy of helping others by joining me on a trip to Romania or Hungary. Let’s explore ways we can do this together.
If you’d like to support the ministry with a tax-deductible financial gift, send your contributions to:
Reach Out to Romania
5534 E. La Palma Avenue
Anaheim, CA 92807
Stay Connected with Reach Out to Romania!