Ukraine Relief
August 24th, 2022
Dear Paul,
We are so happy to be able to say, that school is starting very soon in Romania! This year our challenges are greater than ever as we not only have our 300+ children but also our 70+ new Ukrainian friends who are ready to go to school. We got 5 rooms in a Romanian school where they can study online every day. Ukrainian children also need school supplies and we are very happy if we can help them! Please pray for the Ukrainian children, pray for our children and let us together and in partnership help all these children to go to school and get the education they urgently need! We want to thank you for always being such a great blessing in our projects here! A SCHOOL SUPPLIES PACKAGE – including backpack, notebooks, pencils, crayons, etc. costs 25 dolars. LET’S PUT A SMILE ON THEIR FACES TOGETHER!
In His Service,
Florin and Paula

August 22nd, 2022
Dear Paul,
Thank you for the partnership we have together. Thank you for being with us in this ministry with Ukrainian refugees. We have 250 refugees at this time and more are coming every week. Because most of them are coming just with a small bag and no money, we provide food, transportation, medical help, hygiene, kindergarten and we drive everybody for 1 hour to Târgu Mureș and back after a longer waiting to have the papers for long time staying în Romania done. We do lessons for Romanian language, clothes, shoes, counseling and so much more, because all of them feel the trauma and are emotionally down. Right now we are preparing for online school were we will receive 5 classes from a school and the Ukrainian children can go to school. A lot of these children have lost one year of school because of the war and they do not want to lose another one. We also continue to organize meetings for them together with Romanians also, so that their children come in contact and be friends with Romanian children. We also have a church service in Ukrainian language since 2 months and more and more are coming to this church services. We are preparing for September with a lot of challenges for the Ukrainian Community. We will need school supplies for children and also for teenagers to go to school. Because the kindergarten that we had is too small for that many children we want to develop a new place where we need to do 2 toilets and kitchen. We have the place and we only have to arrange it for a longer term. Also we will need to pay the utilities and buy food for them at kindergarten where 80 – 90 are eating every day. We also provide a deposit with food for the community where they came once a week to take the basic food that they need for their survival. We transport every day with 5 cars the children and kindergarten in the morning and in the afternoon and we have a big challenge raising money for gas. In Romania winter is almost starting in October, it is getting very cold, we will need to buy wood for the heating system. The Red Cross told us that we will need to prepare a deposit with food for the winter time because a lot of food will be limited. Also, churches from Ukraine are calling us to help them with food, because they do not have food any more in their shelters. We have a lot of connections with other partner churches from Ukraine and especially with churches from the war zone and everybody is requesting food. We helped, we help and we keep on helping those who suffer. We would like you to pray, donate and share information about us. Thank you for being with us in this ministry! In today’s reality many Ukrainians have lost their hope, they are emotionally and physically exhausted. A lot of them coming to our Ukrainian church service told me this: “You have each other but we don’t have anything and no hope”. I asked them what they were referring to, because we were Ukrainian believers and Romanian believers together and they told me again: “You have each other, because you have hope in God”. Therefore in addition to helping and feeding the people physically, our mission is to show them the way to God so that they can receive also the hope that we have.
In His Service,
Florin and Paula
August 1st, 2022
Dear Paul,
With a great joy I would like to tell you that we started last week the first service in Ukrainian language. We have right now 240 refugees and only 6 christians among them. 130 people adults and children came at this first service. We had preachers coming from a distance of 3 hours from our area and they will continue to help us. We praise God for this opportunity!
Please pray that God will give us open doors to continue this ministry also please pray that we will find 5 big rooms to start school in Ukrainian language from September. A lot of people lost one year of school until now and they do not want to loose one again.
More people are coming from Ukraine even if we cannot see a lot on the news, the war is still very hard. People continue to die and our people here cry a lot for loosing dear ones. Also, we receive needs from Ukraine to send our vans with food to help other churches who have refugees. Next week we are going to send 2 vans with food in Ukraine.
Thank you for being with us in the ministry.
God bless you.
Paula and Florin

July 24th, 2022
Dear Paul,
I am sending you as attachment a report about the camp. The team from Odessa worked great with our Ukrainians, and they also had psychologists for the women.
I heard one of the deepest testimonies about one lady, Vasilina, how she experienced the first days of war. When the war started near them, they thought they were safe, because it was not in their yard, but after a week their yard started to shake from the bombs. The bombing stopped after this for a while and they thought it was over, but after some days it started again, they could not hear anything because of the bombing and the sirens. They were yelling a lot, many times a day and were running to the basement all the time. Finally, they decided, to take a small bag and leave. They travelled with the train 5 days to our border, avoiding areas were there was war and danger. The first thing that they said, when they arrived here, was that they are so happy that they can sleep at night, because there is quiet outside, no noise, no sirens.
Now, after 3 months, when they thought that they will be already back in Ukraine, a lot of them cannot go back any more, because they have nothing left there. Our government, told us, that we need to prepare for winter with the refugees here. We receive in the last week 15 more refugees
Our Ukrainians are so happy and thankful, that you made possible, that these children can have joy in their hearts with this camp, and forget for a while about suffering.
Thank you again for making this possible.
God bless you!

Conference Retreat Renovation
Due to the lock down of the country caused by COVID-19, we canceled all the activities at the conference center. Since the building was raised over twenty years ago, there was very minimal maintenance work done. We wanted to use this time for renovation which will address some safety issues. The work is in progress and we are sending funds as they become available. Please help us to see the completion of this project. Donate here ➢
Anti-Human Trafficking project
Pastor’s Conference
Pastor’s Conference in Hungary, with participation of ministers and church leaders from Eastern Europe and Brazil. This is going to be our Reformation 500+3 Conference, which builds on our previous work in the growing network. Our mission is to strengthen our church planning efforts in some areas hostile to the Gospel. This conference was postponed due to COVID-19, date TBD.
English Camps for Children
English camps and Family camp. These are VBS-type ministry outreaches in the community. We will be working with local churches to minister to the children and families in their communities. We’ve had children’s ministry outreach for almost three decades now. The Camps were canceled due to COVID-19. The pastors decided they will do activities in their local church.
Women’s Conference – Spring 2023
Women’s Conference. This will be our second women’s conference, with participation of pastor’s wives and their guests, for the purpose of teaching and outreach. For strategic reasons, we are considering separating this conference into two locations, with meetings in both Romania and Hungary.
Future Projects
- We will collaborate with the Presbyterian Church from Sangeorgiu de Padure to do a community outreach in the village Roua.
- We will like to initiate support for pastor Gabriel Curcubet in his leading and promoting of home schooling in Romania.
- We will start collaborating with Madalin Potoroaca and his outreach through the projects of Port of Hope.