Mission Statement
“Shepherding the Shepherds” Equipping church leaders to expand God’s Kingdom in Romania and Eastern Europe through Mission and Discipleship.
To enable church leaders to fulfill the Biblical mandate to take the Gospel to the whole world and make disciples of all nations:
Challenging the church leaders to understand the mission field needs.
Ministry is about listening to each other, listening to our partners and listening to the people who serve together.
Shared vision, ideas, and concerns bind interested participants together and help form effective personal relationships for both those who give and those who receive.
Training and equipping church leaders for mission
Seeking to serve “incarnationally”, to be sent in person.
Core Values
Mission and Discipleship:
Building God’s Kingdom of love and justice in the name and character of Jesus Christ
Prayer for Guidance and Power:
Prayerfully seeking God’s guidance and power in all we do.
Wisdom, Purpose and Focus:
Working with wisdom, purpose, and focus as good stewards of God’s resources. Recognizing our limitations to the presented needs, we are selecting ministries that are consistent with our specific vision. Periodically we are evaluating the goals of our partners and assess progress and outcomes.
Emphasis of Relationships and Partnerships:
Valuing relationships as we build effective partnerships.
Empowering Congregations and Partners:
Empowering the church leaders and our partners to a life of service of Jesus Christ.
Strategic Priorities
“And you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8
Our values and priorities will be implemented in all our activities in three countries in Eastern Europe: Romania, Hungary and Ukraine.
Our focus is shaped by the common ground of core values, core tasks and core areas of mission work.
Overall Priorities:
Romania and Eastern Europe
Strategic Projects:
International and regional conference and training programs.
Single Partnerships:
Projects done in collaboration with particular churches and ministry partners in each country.
The subject of discipleship is imbedded in our core values and will direct us in specific goals and strategies.
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations…” Matthew 28:19-20
Reassessment and evaluation of programs
Leadership development through workshops and conferences
Children and Youth Ministry.
Social and Economic Justice through joint community outreach.
Poverty and hunger by maintaining connection with the community and its needs.
Education, we are committed to learning and refining process, by continuous evaluation from within our organization and individuals looking into out work.
Develop and responding to physical, socio-economic and spiritual needs in a respectful and culturally appropriate manner.
Concern equally with the regeneration of the human heat (evangelism) and the uplifting of the circumstances surrounding each individual’s human existence (social concern.)
Use Scripture as rule and guide; keeping Christ and his teachings at the center.
Reflecting both the love and justice of God.